
Princess Carrinne
Princess Carrinne by @smashsweetie (lorena)

the main character of my story.

name: carrinne anderson age: 15 likes: children, helping out others dislikes: ppl who disrespect others, bees fav food: chocolate chip cookies blah blah information: she was originally a princess in the past. her kingdom was in danger and was controlled by an evil queen. the queen used the crystal (i haven't given it a name yet) to controll the kingdom. to save her home she fought with the queen. she was too weak to even fight against her. the queen a powerful attack to finish her off but with a dodge it broke the crytal into pieces. her power was draining and carrinne was able to lock her away. peace has been restored but she has to find the broken pieces of the crystal. in the hands of a pure hearted person, it is a weapon of good. in the hands of evil, it is a weapon of evil. they can only be found in the bodies of any living thing. before she can even find one, she died. she is now reincarnated with no memory. she is guided by visions which shows her how to transform and use attacks.

btw her name is pronounce the same way as karen. obviously it's misspelled on purpose. i was trying to spell it like caring cause she's a caring person.

Finished Work
20y52d ago
Other Work By @smashsweetie

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