Stephanie Ratté

Winged Hecate
Winged Hecate by @stepratt (Stephanie Ratté)

Okay, so it's not REALLY Halloween-y, but it's Hecate, my evil Queen WitchCat, which is close enough. ~.^ Hecate here is in her demon form (or winged form, whichever you prefer) walking on some fire or sumthing (it's the one time I can honestly say I didn't overuse a Picture Tube ^^...) And you know, it's really hard to draw wings at this angle... Erf. Anyway, this was supposed to be a part of a Halloween pic of the three Witches, but I really liked how Hecate turned out and didn't want to ruin it. So... it's Hecate, in all her evil goodness (how oxymoronic... ^^)

[ "Steph's Word of the Day" - Oxymoronic, derived from OXYMORON, meaning two opposite or contradicting words put together to descibe something else, ie. JUMBO SHRIMP or RECORDED LIVE... Also one of Steph's favourite words... ^^]

Finished Work
22y251d ago
Other Work By @stepratt

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