Sharon M

Nesha's Cynosure
Nesha's Cynosure by @Shazi (Sharon M)

I did this picture ages ago to accompany my TLK story in progress: 'Kesi's Plight'. I only just got back from class when I remembered this picture as 'the one that got away from being in any of my archives at all'. So I got in my room, turned on the comp, uploaded this old piccy, deleted a few stars and made a bigger one right in the middle which I affectionatly call: Nesha's star. You see, in my fanfiction to the Lion King kingdom which I have been planning since 1996 has probably been the only real fic I've worked on, done drawings for, and given Kesi and her world a bit more backbone then the rest of my stories. Theres also my Crash Bandicoot series which I worked on for a while and still needs to be finished but I go on. The story starts from the end of the first TLK film and introduces us to a clan of troubled siberian tigers on the other side of the world. Captured, caged and put aboard a ship waiting to sail from Russia and around other countries (picking up other animals along the way) until despatching the whole menagerie in England (Longleat Zoo).Well, after a major blunder and an illtimed seige from a pack of hunters (led by the nefarious Ben Quintin) the white tigress called Nesha, her family of siberians, and another whole clan of sumutran tigers (from india) miraculously escape and head off into the un-known. As this happens, Quintin and his crew take hostage a young man from the ship known simply as Tomas. This young man is passionate about the animals on his ship, and with the tigers being his favourite (especially Nesha) this makes him a valuable asset to Quintin in his mission to track down Nesha... The beginning of Nesha's journey is still being planned. But it shouldn't be easy. She and her clan don't know where they really are, they are unaware of the harsh hot climate opposite of the snowy tundra which they were born to. It takes a while for them to settle but the story's goes on to explain both the siberian and sumutran clan's survival, their differences and temperments with each other, Nesha's romance with a sumutran tiger amidst the heated tension growing between both clans, and then the unfortunate splitting of the two groups as Quentin comes hot on their trail. Gawd I've made this real long and I haven't even mentioned 'Kesi' yet. Well it seems that after the Siberian clan also sadly gets cut up into two seperate groups as well, it's around this time Kesi is born. By this time Nesha's responsibilty in finding a permanent haven away from the humans for her family and newborn have become serious. And Kesi soon starts to learn that moving from place to place is by means of survival unlike of what her anscestors used to do. Later on (and because this is getting way too long) and by such sad events, Nesha, her daughter and her family are ambushed in the night (thanks to Kesi wandering off chasing fireflies) by Quintin... Kesi loses her mother that night...Days go by, her attitude towards survival begins to change, and she abandons her own clan... I could go on cause Simba, his pride, Rafiki and Timon and Pumbaa play a major big part in this as well. But I hear you snoring which stops me from doing so. Anyways, this picture is based on a scene of an adult Kesi looking up at a very special star with which she and her mum chose as their own. ^^ (Yes, it appears stargazing is a very special thing) I was gonna just write that down, but considering this whole lot took me a long while to type and I felt like gassing...I won't. So there! Nyah! But thank you for all your thoughts and comments made towards my art and my archive recently folkss. I really do appreciate that. Thank you so much. :) All artwork, Kesi and her story: "Kesi's Plight" are both copyright to her creator, Sharon (Shazi) Matthews.

Finished Work
21y168d ago
Other Work By @Shazi

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