Li Chi Son

Sweet loves of my life
Sweet loves of my life by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Ahhhhh....the three out of four men that has made an impact in Li Chi's life... Saitoh: The first man to enter my life and showed me what love is....unfortunately I fumbled terribly and crushed his heart in the process...I still love him but in a different way. Luv you 4eva 'Darth Vader' (hehhehe) May we empaths stick together and share knowledge with each other. Zaltite: My bro bro's char, the ever hunky and sweet Zaltite! The relationship between Li Chi and Zal is unpronounced but it is evident that they like each other....and care...bah! Evil twists of fate ((BRO!!! >:E)) leads to Zal's death, but he is moved to another parallel universe (need to read the stories to understand) and is reunited again....guess the relationship has to start all over again....-_-; more work! Finn: IE's infamous mysterious char. He is so crazy and such an enigma that no one can understand him....too bad though because he really does love Li Chi but doesn't show it.....no matter how much she tries to get in his way.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Teen (D)
Rough / Concept
22y219d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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