Priscilla Spencer

Men at Arms: the Musical!
Men at Arms: the Musical! by @prisspen (Priscilla Spencer)

I was really tickled by a passage in 'Men at Arms' (one of the Discworld books by Terry Pratchett), in which Carrot takes Angua on a tour of the city. Angua envisions Carrot bursting into song. I kept thinking about it and giggling all day, and I knew I had to draw it. My medium? Believe it or not, ordinary wax crayons. Crayola. This is my first serious attempt with crayons, and I'm rather fond of it. For some reason, I remember this being a lot better than it actually is. I tell myself that it's a bad scan, but then I look at the original and I say "no it isn't". Oh well...

Here's the passage, in case you were curious:

It was the way he wore the place. You expected him any moment to break into the kind of song that has suspicious rhymes and phrases like 'my kind of town' and 'I wanna be a part of it' in it; the kind of song where people dance in the street and give the singer apples and join in and a dozen lowly matchgirls suddenly show amazing choreographical ability and everyone acts like cheery loveable citizens instead of the murderous, evil-minded, self-centered individuals they suspect themselves to be. But the point was that if Carrot had erupted into song and dance, people would have joined in. Carrot could have jollied a circle of standing stones to form up behind him and do a rumba.

I envision Franco Nero's voice (Sir Lancelot in the musical Camelot) singing 'Ankh-Morpork: It's my kind of town!' Scared yet?

And Angua gets pointy ears because I said so. Bah. This is done in wax crayon, just so you know. I love and hate that medium... I guess that's how it is all around. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Priscilla Spencer

Finished Work
22y121d ago
Other Work By @prisspen

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