
Timpson Bears
Timpson Bears by @SlayMeSpike (Lacey)

Sorry I forgot to upload these yesterday, Justin @_@; Um... and now it's Saturday... heh heh... Uh. Oops. Sucks to be you!

Only uploading these here because Justin can't get to deviantART shrug Will probably delete them later. Just in case, Justin, here's the link: http://hemorrhage.deviantart.com/ I think you can just click it and go, but you might have to copy and paste.

Copied from DA: For my nephew, Justin ^-^!!! HI JUSTIN rabid fangirl wave I know that you're bald, and I'm sorry for your hair and I wish you could have more of it, but I guess you'll just have to live like Brandon... which isn't so bad, because Brandon's cool.

Anyway. So, this is for Justin's skool. More so, his teacher. Because she asked Justin to ask me to draw this. Supposedly <-< >-> Ahem. And so here it is! I've only drawn... what... two bears in my entire existance? So, no, I'm not very good at them.

Got referance from real bear pictures. I didn't want it to be a grizzly, and black bears seemed more right to me, so that's what it's supposed to be, but it's a little too fuzzy... Maybe it's a Kodiak bear shrug It's kind of a mix between anthro' and regular animal, even though I'd intended for it to be just a regular bear... hmph.

Justin didn't really specify if she wanted anthro' or non- so I just assumed... Anyway. Justin! Call me ^_~ So you can tell me stuffs. And I can lurve you :D~ Nowwwwnownow.

I plan to color the sign, at least ink the bear, and maybe do some kind of halfassed background. Shoosh.

20y155d ago
Other Work By @SlayMeSpike

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