Kayla McIlwaine

the Nightmare
the Nightmare by @kaylmcil (Kayla McIlwaine)

Ton has these dreams, where hell see the future, but in a metiphoric way, it wont make sence. this is the dream he had before Shihie (his son) was taken in dreams, and torturded, by Rellik, his back is pure scar. The way I imagined the dream tho, was instead of blood coming from Shis back it was red sand, but I couldnt draw so many little red dots, so I just did the blood! Also I made it look like Ton wasnt even touching Shi, his hand dosnt curv around his son, showing that he couldnt help him, to comfort him. I dont specially like this picture, I was more playing around with it, but I thought I spent so long on it, why not.

Teen (O)
22y336d ago
Other Work By @kaylmcil

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