Eric Broffel

Blob vs. the Evil Axe
Blob vs. the Evil Axe by @Eric_Broffel (Eric Broffel)

For eight hours we were given a project in college. Using a little Russian toy called the matraska. You know the little wooden toy where you open it in half and there's a smaller doll inside? Well that was the subject and we were suppose to make a short animated flick of whatever's in our imagination. My picture/flick is not done. It's barely got started, but now I got the models I need and it's time to start animating. What's suppose to happen was that the little blob was hopping along minding it's own business when an evil axe appears and chops the little guy in half. Not cutting him through, but only to split apart and come out smaller then before. And so a chase ensues to where the blob is cut into smaller sizes until it is desperatly outheighted. What happens next? That won't be until the flick is actually done. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Eric Broffel

21y185d ago
Other Work By @Eric_Broffel

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