Todd O'Donnell

Kathlene Monroe
Kathlene Monroe by @neotoddzero (Todd O'Donnell)

I put this pic up a while back, but for some reason, it didn't work right, so I'm giving it a second shot. This is a sketch of Katt Monroe I drew, it's actually one of my favorite pics. As you know, my version of her (in my Lylat Wars (StarFox) fic), is an energetic and slightly hyper hacker/cracker who goes as ShadowhellKatt online. Here, she wears her normal loud Hawaiian shirt, loose pants, t-shirt combo attire (including her goggles), on her shirt is supposed to be an NES controller (she's a gamer) and in her left hand is her weapon of choice (which, if you can recognize it, is the Zapper light gun for the old NES, only reworked as an actual functioning weapon). I know she's not like how most people portray her but, ah well, I have a tendacy to be different anyways. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Katsuhiro Ravencroft

Rough / Concept
21y327d ago
Other Work By @neotoddzero

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