Liz Ramirez

Sonya Robotnik - Uniformed
Sonya Robotnik - Uniformed by @LizSama (Liz Ramirez)

Of all the characters related to the Sonic universe i have, Sonya is byfar the one with the most mental problems (but at least she's straight now (one can learn from their past mistakes))

Hell, she even has problems with dress code. Behold, under her fathers wishes long long ago... She was to be wearing a uniform similar to Snivelys. But sometimes one just can't totally comply and needs to add a touch of themselves to it.

Anyhow, behold. I had written out a delightfully HUGE post, but i forgot to fill in a blank in the category and side7 exploded with the fury of that of gods!

long story short? behold my replacement description!

Also, apologizes to any who've been looking at my account. I've been a busy lizzy. I've been hired to draw a comic book at a delightfully HUGE salary, been drawing some ....special ..situational ..stuff.. for my boyfriend and myself ^.^, and i got a raise at my job.. yay! So this explains my absence.. apologises and everyone have a bag of peeps. flings peeps at pplz Artwork © Copyright 2002 Liz Ramirez

22y70d ago
Other Work By @LizSama

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