Aurora Windsoar

Ranma 1/2 Style!
Ranma 1/2 Style! by @_Sphynx_ (Aurora Windsoar)

Well, I just felt like drawing Arthur with boobs, then Patrick, and then everyone else came along. The note is from my friend Joe who would love being a chick (a little too much).

Ok, explanations for everyone.

Roger: He's like 6' 3", and a big guy. Not just height wise, either. I dunno, there's not too much to explain with him.

Me: Hey, I've got a penis, what other explanation do I need? And yes, that's really what I look like, though I am, in fact, female.

Arthur: He likes boobs? shrug

John: He's an actual midget, and barely comes to my waist.He's so cute, though! And yes, he actually said "Goddamnit!" when he saw the picture.

Joseph: I explained above.

Patrick: He's the uber-straight one of the bunch. He's not a gay basher, though. Hell, I'm his girlfriend, and I'm bi. But he's had some bad experiences in his past that I won't get into here. But that is quite the dillema he has there.

Alex: He's not, in fact, fingering himself. He's just checking out the new material.

Chanda: We always call her boobies, and she wanted to be in the picture, so that explains all of that.

Whew, I think this is the most I've eve written for a picture.

20y155d ago
Other Work By @_Sphynx_

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