Alexandra Amyot

Alexandra Sherwood
Alexandra Sherwood by @Lexy_chan (Alexandra Amyot)

This is mah character in X-men revolution!!

Name: Alexandra Sherwood Code name: Aqua Specialty: transforms into an undersea crature Attacks: explosing bubbles, somekind of boomerang*kinda like the zoras have on their arms*, and poison nails

Alexandra will be descovered by the professor, while he and the rest of the x-men are taking a day off at the beach(strange uh ?! I juts couldn't find another idea loll).... he discovered her when something almost fell on a kid playing down a small cliff, Scott tried to zaped it away but somekind of sharp boomerang hit it twice into dust. ^__^

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Alexandra Amyot

Finished Work
21y16d ago
Other Work By @Lexy_chan

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