Hayley Price

Random B, page 3
Random B, page 3 by @catrine (Hayley Price)

Some notes on pronunciation . . . I know, you're thinking 'this has WAY too many notes for a comic!' . . . But I am by no means professional, sooooo . . .

The newcomer's name is actually 'Eve'. Amae is pronouncing it with that thick accent that I find so cute. Technically, in Romanji, that would make her name 'iivu', or even 'iibu', but I compromised between the desired look and the desired pronounciation with Eevu, which is no less baffling.

And this whole deal begs the question: Where the hell are we? Are we in Japan or elsewhere? Well, the turth is we're in a sort of anime-Japan U.S. mesh that exists somewhere inside my head. There's no real distinction. It's just 'This City'.

The side-cutoff removed a bit too much of Amae for my liking. Her line has been cut off, she's actually saying 'Huh?'. I'm sure you really needed to know that.

Uh . . . I made Eve's hair too long . . .

21y100d ago
Other Work By @catrine

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