
Sunday 26th, May 2024
Sunday 26th, May 2024 by @rrrivverr (rrrrrrrriver)

WOOO!!! More art that i actually like !! This was so fun to draw despite being a mess. I tried using transfer paper (really it was just transparent paper) for the very first time and it was SO messy!!! I had pencil smudges all over my desk o(T^T)o i still had so much fun drawing this !! i used the transparent paper to trace over my screen for nyan cat, brian, n the cat lick frames so full credit to the creators lol the 2 song mentioned r genuinely sooo good!!! (shitcorebabes by shoebill and mashcore usa by proloxx) i think its a very acquired (?) taste; most people i know dont enjoy it. i really like mashcore songs using 2000s pop songs but i havent really looked for other songs n listened to them :3

Teen (L)
62d6h ago
Other Work By @rrrivverr

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