Caitlin Chaney

Jail Fight
Jail Fight by @caitchan (Caitlin Chaney)

The older gypsy scum crumpled on the floor, mortally wounded and fading fast. The dark-haired younger one that was still manacled and sprawled on the floor gave a strangled shout of anger and despair as he watched the scene unfold. The guard paused, not knowing what to expext next. She had not long to wait. Out of the solid dark of the dungeon passasgeway directly ahead of them came an eerie battlecry, like that of a banshee. And then the swarthy wraith whom the cry belonged to materialized like a horrible spectre, sword shining. In the eternity of an instant, the guard saw those eyes, gold like a demon's, like the bangles she had worn as a child, those horribly familiar eyes. And then the wraith opened her mouth and howled like the storm wind, "SALOME!!"

Finished Work
22y50d ago
Other Work By @caitchan

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