Stephanie Small

 Sir Geoffery the Guardian of Griffonhold
Sir Geoffery the Guardian of Griffonhold by @pegacorn (Stephanie Small)

This drawing was done in honor of my FAVORITE fencing teacher. He was lots of fun and didn't mind my violent attempts to behead my (now ex)boyfriend (Hehe!). Sir Geoffrey has a different name in real life but we are in the Society for Creative Anachronism together and he is currently the baron of Vinhold (yay!). His symbol is the griffin and he once told me that male griffins have rainbow feathers and spikes on their backs in lieu of wings, but he mentioned he preferred the female body types with the wings. Here I have made a nice “male” griffon with wings instead of spikes for him. This picture was drawn in soft (chalk) pastels and was a real pain! Grr! My Websites: Ebonwing Fantasy Art - SCA Romani Horses - Napa Role Playing Guild

Finished Work
20y314d ago
Other Work By @pegacorn

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