Jessica Patterson

get that ice or else no dice
get that ice or else no dice by @dreamaria (Jessica Patterson)

Could it be? TWO characters? A new character? WITH STORIES?! YES!

He doesn't have a name yet, but he's going to be a red and black zebra. He wants Dreamaria to work for him. He's a master thief, and steals diamonds and jewels to offer her. Dream doesn't like his proposition - she likes being her own madam, so to speak. However, she does work for him [reluctantly] for a short while, but they fall in love, and she realizes this is bad, and kills him. Hmm yes. She doesn't regret it either. She wanted to be in love, but he thought she was only in love with him because he gave her all his stolen things. Which she did at first. Their relationship didn't last long at all - only a few months. She still whored herself during their time together. To make money. He stole, she sold herself. What a happy couple.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Jessica Patterson

Teen (O)
Finished Work
21y83d ago
Other Work By @dreamaria

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