Facist Dictator

The Truth About Iowa
The Truth About Iowa by @lamejuice (Facist Dictator)

Standing at a crossroad, snow still falling down. Misery loves company and a companion could be found. What started as a conquest had ended in defeat. The way we were, the things we said, and all I won't repeat. New Year's eve ain't all it's cracked up to be. I've seen the best and heard the worst and everything in between. Eighteen hours is such a long, long time and the sting of painful words destroy us inside. Our silence can say so much and our words pack a painful punch. Nothing can take away the memories of that day and I was so sure that we'd fade away. Fade away. Adversity makes us stronger, so can we make this last a little longer? Can we put aside the competition that resides in all of us, in all of us? I know it's in me and I've seen it in you but I set my sights on seeing this one trough. I'm gonna see it through. I know that we'll never fully agree. But it's worth my time and it's worth the risk because this is family.

The love of my life, my best friend Chelsea. The female Davey Havok. We're going through some pretty hard times. As usual. But it's getting harder. Pray for us.

Again, old art.

Finished Work
17y110d ago
Other Work By @lamejuice

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