Samantha Nowinski

Spammy the Angry Ghost!
Spammy the Angry Ghost! by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

I guess I have quite a story to tell to explain why I'm a ghost in this picture. Well, I'll begin with Sev and Ric--I roleplayed with them in a chat. It started with Ric doing a Hamster Dance (Hamtaro reference) for me and I loved it (^^ I wuv the dance), and Tal got jealous and started acting like a jerk. And me, being upset, went on the roof and Ric, who somehow turned into a hamster, jumped on the roof with me and did a hamster dance to cheer me up...but he wound up sliding down the roof, and I jumped after him. I caught him...but we both fell off the roof, and we both died. He came back to life as a cat (a very HORNY cat, might I add), and I came back as a ghost. Tal was still a jerk, but after Sev talked to him, he wanted to apologize..and I didn't want to because I was still angry. But eventually I turned back to normal, Ric got his body back, and Tal and roleplay me made up. ^^; It was cute...and funny. lol Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y208d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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