Samantha Nowinski

Before This -
Before This - "The Death Irkens" by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

The main death Irken characters in my story "Before This". I'm starting from my left (where your left hands are)--

Captain Cal, the father of Tai, who serves the death Irken army and follows the orders of the Lord and the Lieutenant. He leads armies into battles, makes some plans, and gets the soldiers prepared during training. But in the story, he falls for Rael (who will be Tai's mother), and...well, you get the rest.

Lord Ziera the third (the father of Zei) rules the whole empire with the Lady and gives out orders. Though in other Empires the ruler isn't allowed to give military orders, Ziera has all authority over the army, and has the right to call the troops out to battle. Basically, without him, the empire would be lead to chaos.

Lady Niaka, his wife, (and the mother of Zei) doesn't play a part in the war. Though Niaka loves Ziera, and being the pacifist she is, Niaka hopes to save their newborn son, Prince Zei the second (named after his grandfather), from the teachings of war and destruction that Ziera knows so well. But there's more behind her that can destroy Ziera in the end.

And last, but not least, Lieutenant Zei, the highly ranked Lieutenant of the army and father of Lady Niaka. Zei has been diagnosed with ne'lopsis (a death Irken-Eater's disease), so all he can do is back up the army with plans and training. But despite his illness, Zei is remembered as one of the greatest soldiers in the army. But there's a twisted side to Zei's personality that scares people...he's determined to bringing down the peacemaker Empire, even if it costs him his life, for the revenge against his father. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y232d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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