Samantha Nowinski

"...Shut up, Bonnie." by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

I'll have to admit, this show's preppy, but I love Ron and Rufus. And I like the different slash couples you can choose from, whether it's Kim/Shego, or (my personal favorite) Kim/Bonnie (which no one writes fics on).

A Kim Possible picture from my Kim Possible fic (with Kim/Bonnie slash in it) on fanfiction.net. I'm Peacemaker Aqua on fanfiction.net if anyone wants to read it.

I made Bonnie different when she's in her senior year in the fic than what she is in the show. I thought of her becoming this new and improved hard core girl who likes to dress in dark colors..and no longer a cheerleader because of the tension between her and Kim. Sort of like tearing her apart and all that stuff.

And, alas, she's shorter than Kim and the other girls. Anywho, after all those years, Kim STILL wears the same outfit..and Bonnie reminds her of that. lol--I like Bonnie (okay, everyone, you can gasp now). Don't ask. She's got witty remarks (I'd hate Kim if I were Bonnie. Honestly...I don't like perfectionists. -_-). But Kim's okay, I guess. But I like Bonnie (and Shego) a lot better than her. Maybe it's because I like villians, whether they're annoying girls at school or villians plotting with a scientist. It's all good. :P Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y242d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

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