
NmBC fanchar =)
NmBC fanchar =) by @SlayMeSpike (Lacey)

Ah, my Nightmare Before Christmas fan-character (oh come on, you knew it was coming). Her name's D'metre and she's a werewolf/chupacabra (spelling?) hybrid (she's the daughter of the werewolf on the movie ^-^').

Okay, so, to shed a little light on what's going on... Well, D'metre was chasing after a bat (one of the few things for a predator to eat in Halloweentown) through the forest for miles when finally she reached the circle of tree-portals. Hardly paying attention, she thoughtlessly dove after the bat as it zipped into one of the trees, which had mysteriously been left open.

After swallowing the bat whole and calming her feverish hunger, she realised she wasn't in Halloweentown any more... It was bright in this new place, and colorful. The bright sun hurt her eyes, and the pleasant smells made her cringe. She didn't like this place.

She was about ready to turn-tail and run when a family of plump little rabbits hopped across her path. The werewolf hybrid was taken aback. Not two seconds later, a family of yellow ducks waddled past. She didn't know what to think. So many snacks, so little time! And then, two small satyr children, romping and playing, made the mistake of bounding in front of the food deprived Halloweenian. This was too much for her! Satyr! That was half goat! And half goat was far better than none at all, which was what she was used to. And, so, Eastertown is where she stayed, wreaking havoc upon the unsuspecting townspeople each and every day... Mmm, havoc.

But, unfortunately, soon the townspeople became overcome with rage. Many of their children had gone missing, and were found ravaged, torn to shreds. Gathering their pitchforks and torches they formed an angry mob and searched out the Halloweenian. They came upon her while she was sleeping, and woke her with their spitting and bellowing. She had barely a chance to react before a shovel came crashing down against her skull. They beat on her for a half hour at least, before dragging her body to the local circle of tree-portals. They dumped her back into the world from whence she came, and boarded up the tree as best they could.

D'metre layed there, barely breathing, many of her bones broken, for nearly a week. If it had not been for a wandering hunchback she would surely be dead. The hunchback, Igor as he was called, took the creature to his master. Dr. Finklestein took in D'metre, though she wasn't aware of it. He cleaned her wounds and even attached two plug-like devices to her back, which were used to help re-energize her.After a year of careful monitoring and healing the doctor released the beast, still in a coma. She awoke in the middle of the forest, now with two large, unfamiliar plugs bolted into her back. The last she remembered she was sleeping in a wooded field in Eastertown, recovering from a rather large meal--and now, she realised, she was back in her home...

Ah, okay... that was long... bah. I'm so tempted to write a story about her history and whatnot... but, then again, I'm lazy =) Oh well, maybe one day. That's a lamb in her mouth, btw. And, no, her teeth aren't normally that long, they extend while she's eating/hunting, to make it easier to rip and whatnot... whee.

P.S. I'm sure satyrs have absolutely nothing to do with Easter, but... Well, Eastertown needed some human-like creatures in it pathetic excuse to let D'Metre eat goat Hm. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Lacey Kendra

Teen (V)
21y210d ago
Other Work By @SlayMeSpike

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