Lost Circus: Pinkwell
Lost Circus: Pinkwell by @Eternity9

Lost Circus: Pinkwell

Pinkwell is another Pokemon Performer from the Lost Circus AU, they are considered a 'Pastel' Shiny Honchkrow, they are very rare Pokemon and he belonged to the ringmaster, but preforms as a clown in the Circus. Pinkwell can actually talk to humans and thus he would act as the Player Character Translator when the Player character needs to talk to other Pokemon Performers from the circus. 

Pinkwell would appear in the first mission the player character goes on along side Bobble the Brionne. After exploring the safe area and interacting with some of the 'hub' world NPC's with Bobble the player will encounter Birkita the fortune teller, floating over to them in a panic, she quickly tells the player character that their is an emergency that Pinkwell the Honchkrow is in trouble.

Its the first mission and its a rescue mission, Jackson would have gone, but suddenly the haven is under attack and he has to defend it. Jackson doesn't like the idea of handing over the rescue mission to the newbie, but Birkita says she foresees that they can do it with the help of Bobble. Jackson relentingly agrees to let the player go as they don't have much of a choice right now, as they can't loose Pinkwell he's their only lead to finding the Ringmaster.

So after going to the location that Birkita shows you in her crystal ball the player character and Bobble would fight monsters and have to get through puzzles which eventually leads to finding Pinkwell who has fainted and is surrounded by Fallen.

This would lead to a boss battle, that the player character wins and then suddenly gets a very cryptic memory flashback, they sake the odd memory off and go over to Pinkwell who's starting to wake up.

This is when its revealed Pinkwell is a talking Pokemon, much to the protag surprise, Pinkwell while he may be dressed like a clown he has a very pompous personality, with a dash of Shakespearian.

Turns out the 'Fallen' had done something to his memories and now he's having trouble remember anything, but Pinkwell says he dose remember coming out here for someone important to him, but now he doesn't remember who that was.

You the protag bring Pinkwell back to the safe haven where Jackson has finished fighting off the 'Fallen' attack, but when you tell him the news that Pinkwell has forgotten everything Jackson is close to ripping his hair out, saying that Pinkwell was the only one who knew where the

ringmaster has gone and now their back to having no clue to what to do.

Birkita says all hope is not lost and that Pinkwell can and will regain his memoires over time, he just needs to be around the protag, this is the part where Pinkwell would become a permanent NPC companion of the player character to help translate stuff between Pokemon and Humans.

I'll end things here as this is getting way too long for what was intended.

Pinkwell is based on this Clown doll


Photo from shiftythrifting tumblr post https://shiftythrifting.com/post/51981447125/fuquerie-bam-clown-attack-didnt-want-you-to

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