Cheesy Wirt

All Praise Shannon
All Praise Shannon by @FurryKittens (Cheesy Wirt)

Autumnisn is a made up religion that worships the coming of the Fall equinox in the Northern hemisphere, from September to November. This illustration is Shannon, an immortal goddess and guardian of the Maple Leaf Forest. She's the founder of Maple Village. According to most of the residents, her tears are believed to be the holy water that summons the rains of Autumn. She also watches over to make sure nobody cuts down trees for money and greed. She makes super that the citizens of the maintain the trees of the forest. As for the promised land, only those with a heart of gold, respect for nature, and respect for women are allowed to go up there once someone dies.

"©" FurryKittens

Teen (O)
Finished Work
70d6h ago
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