Stephanie R

Suites by @Lea_the_Wolf (Stephanie R)

(I dunno if I spelled the stupid title right. T_T;) I got some SERIOUS insperation from Chase's pic, Dresses. I was like...."Hm....if we freak out in dresses, I wonder what the BOYS will say in actual CLOTHES, let alone suites."

Lol, Shad doesn't seem to care much, while Knux is TOTALLY confused. (He doesn't even know what a TIE is. XD) The dude in the cape is NOT Espio, he is one of Chase's chars, Zion. I tried to give him a very regal look with the cape and all; I mean he is (or was I dunno) an emperor. ^_~

Shadow- ?

Knux- Dude, what the heck IS this thing?

Zion- "Dude," it's a TIE. T_T; (Be glad you don't have a CAPE.)

17y209d ago
Other Work By @Lea_the_Wolf

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