Fan-namek plushies by @Velasa (Velasa Akutenshi)
I love namecks, RPing, and sewing. This is what happens when those intrests collide... fron right to left it's Tambourine, Kage, and Discord. Now, these chars don't belong to me- they belong to dear, dear friends of mine. (go check them out on if you want more information on the characters. They're amazing)
Each of these boys stands abou ten inches tall, and are completely handsewn with whatever materials happened to be the right color / /.^() Cotton stuffed. The antennae are actually twined and tied thread.... oO and take a while do do. Faces drawn on with permenant marker.
On a personal note... I love these guys ^__^ I've known the chars for a very, very long time, and Kage and Di are sone of the greatest guys ever. Anyone who knows him would probably find the Tambourine one disturbing, rightfully.... oO He's not the kind of guy you'd make a plushie of. But ah, I'm crazy. griiinz Notice how he's scouling, and the other two are avoiding him....
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