Kurumi Shinsetsu-Rei

Zim Doesn't Get That Jason's Knife Is Sharp
Zim Doesn't Get That Jason's Knife Is Sharp by @devilishkurumi (Kurumi Shinsetsu-Rei)

This took about ten minutes to draw and an hour to color, and it came out horrible. Well, at least the lines are really bad. It was good, but then I had to re-size it, and it screwed everything up.

So, anyways, I'm going to Europe with Holly and my mom, and I'm writing a fic of which we take along Zim and GIR of Invader Zim fame, my fan-Irken Atijo, Johnny C. from JtHM, and Jason from Friday the 13th.

The picture takes place at the showing of "Phantom of the Opera" that we're gonna see.... Zim doesn't get why Christine likes Raoul so much and ph33rs the Phantom. (Spelling names wrong is an easy way to piss off my friends ^.^)

He also doesn't get that Jason's knife is sharp and pointy.

wow, this sucks so bad.

Rough / Concept
20y9d ago
Other Work By @devilishkurumi

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