Jimi Newman

Another birthday image for Mistie
Another birthday image for Mistie by @jiminewman (Jimi Newman)


I haven't uploaded here in literally YEARS!

A lot has changed since i last tickled my gallery. I'm now engaged to a lovely lass by the name of Mistie. I'm hoping to make her my wife this January, and live with her in wedded bliss. Start a family.

So! Here we go.. a bit old now, but nonetheless! This is an image i drew for my lady loves birthday in 2003. This was a little before we'd become a couple.

It's actually pretty cute - we'd been growing closer.. and closer.. and closer... Both petrified to tell the other our true feelings. Hoping and praying that the other felt the same and admitting it wouldn't mess up our friendship, which was such a wonderful, free-ing thing for both of us. In this picture i took the ultimastely daring step of.. dun dun dunnn... having thier tails sort of cuddling each other.

...OK.. so.. maybe it's not THAT daring. But it was all i dared do. Drop subtle, sweet little hints to her of my feelings... Meanwhile, she was doing the same thing and i was just hoping against hope that those hints and affections meant what i wanted them to...

And of course, the rest is history. Eventually, we both admitted our feelings, found that we each felt the same about the other, and later, became engaged. She's the light of my life. My pride and joy. My one n only... Girl of my dreams.

I'm such a lucky guy.

Finished Work
18y308d ago
Other Work By @jiminewman

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