Daricio Joness

Multi-Realm'd Ryou!
Multi-Realm'd Ryou! by @Daricio (Daricio Joness)

This is my pride and joy. XD It took me forever to do, mostly because I have a really sucky image processor, and I had originally drawn it onto notebook paper the way I usually do with drawings.

Anyway... Top left is Unmei. He's from what's known as Fate's Realm, which was created by Wingleader Sora Jade. He's a blind telepath, the son of Fate-sama. His yami is Chiot, and he's mortal. XD

Top right is Kawari. He's from the Negative Realm, created by High Crystal Guardian. The Negative Realm was at war against an evil Shadow Mad Yami, now known as Nozomi. So he and his friends (and yami) are extremely good at fighting. The Yugi from that realm is/was dead, but Ebony Kuroneko brought him back to life as Naosu. Kawari himself was banished to his mind for a long time in a maze, but the True Realm Yugi helped him get out, and now he's back to his normal fighting self. He weilds a Dirk, called Gin Hebi.

The "True Realm" Ryou Bakura, as portrayed in High Crystal Guardian's fiction, is constantly being beaten harshly by his own Shadow Mad yami, who pretty much controls his life. Kawari's been trying to help him fight his yami.

So anyway, those are who the people are. They all cool. I like how True Realm Ryou's yami turned out. XD And Unmei's psychic 'waves' are kind of neat. Kawari's eyes are having issues... Along with everybody's shoes, Kawari's stance, and Ryou's face. 9.9

Shoes and hands are evil.

Finished Work
18y274d ago
Other Work By @Daricio

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