Campbell Henderson

Evolution 01
Evolution 01 by @Humonious (Campbell Henderson)

i'd dearly like to say there is a multitude of other pictures due to come in a series done by: Me called: Evolution... but i doubt there will be another one... i just put 01 there cos maybe in a few years i'll finish another one... which is a bit of a contradiction but lets not get technical!

i think i might have rushed a little finishing this off but i'm pleased with it, i think. I've been talking to my boss heaps about doing a pretty little floor plan for the library and i said i wanted to finish off a couple pictures before i really got stuck into it, still not finished the other one yet.

I think i used the smudge tool a grand total of about two times, well maybe four, but i'm pretty stoked about that. had a big problem with PSCS2 half way through doing it and ended up trying to fix it by reformatting my hard-drive installing the previous OS on my laptop and installing everything again but it turned out that didn't fix it anyway so i'm using PSCS again but don't be fooled i wasn't laughing when it happened, unless it was hysterical laughter brought on by the stress caused by the entire situation and i just don't remember it... myeees

Finished Work
18y215d ago
Other Work By @Humonious

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