CyberCorn Entropic

Daily Sketch 14 - Fireplace
Daily Sketch 14 - Fireplace by @Roadstripe (CyberCorn Entropic)

Snowmonsters, villainous big brothers, and squelpies aside, Squeaky-Pie's days were typically fairly mundane. She cleaned house, keeping Peanut Flutter's horrible taste at home decor under control. She maintained the grounds, despite the neighbors keeping a wary eye out whenever she was behind the mower. After mid-morning, the mousie-fae generally didn't annoy her too much, although she did have to be careful when baking. Although breakfast was Peanut Flutter's province, dinner was Squeaky-Pie's, which having trained as a baker, was often one of the best parts of her day,

Squeaky-Pie at work at Peanut Flutter's brownstone. She's still getting back on her feet after a previous misadventure involving her brother screwed up her life. Peanut Flutter had felt so bad for her that the pegamousie had offered Squeaky-Pie free room and board in exchange for her housekeeping.


Art © 2015 Marvin E. Fuller

Finished Work
8y201d ago
Other Work By @Roadstripe
In These Portfolios

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