Beka Spake

MK - Sparky
MK - Sparky by @Zpan_Sven (Beka Spake)

Meet Sparky. She's an OC, youngest daughter of Scorpion and my OC Khara in my AU Mortal Kombat stuff where Scorpion's part oni. She's a Daddy's girl and an oddball with her shock of blonde hair given her parents have black and red hair respectively; her brothers have black hair while her older sister has red like their mother. She's a lightning elemental, hence 'Sparky' as her pseudo-codename. It was her nickname growing up and though she insists her kuniochi name is Bolt everyone still calls her Sparky...

Being not even five feet tall and 14 doesn't help the fact they still see her as a little kid XD

Her birth name is Carmen given her mother was living in America under the name Cara at the time; along with her blond hair she was given an English name to blend in better with their surrounding so Quan Chi and the Lin Kuei wouldn't find them. She has a Japanese name as her middle name but she rarely acknowledges it...

Finished Work
11y9d ago
Other Work By @Zpan_Sven

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