Nichol Stout

WilliamDraggy by @Amocin (Nichol Stout)

William Beckett as a dragon.. yet another thing from my Furcadia RP.. im doing alot of these... maybe cause i just wanna show them to Will himself first. Well... he was a dragon for a day, we did alot of great RPing. Look at Amocin, she is so small compared to the huge black dragon, but still she loves him and gives him a hug.

For those of you getting confused. Amocin and Nicoma are the same person. Amocin is her Furcadia name... and the past.. doesnt relate here just about. She was a virgin when she met Will, so all those kids in the previous pic never happened. Thats from the comic book i made.. i gave up on that story... slowly ill find time to get back into it... Artwork © Copyright 2002 Nichol Stout

Finished Work
21y219d ago
Other Work By @Amocin

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