Liz Ramirez

How Stealth and Matthew REALLY Met!
How Stealth and Matthew REALLY Met! by @LizSama (Liz Ramirez)

It all started at breakfast time. Metal had just finished a hearty meal of eggs, bacon, and toast. Of course he hasn't finished his toast, and decided to wander out of the messhall to stretch and partake of the boringness that is Knothole.

And that is exactly when Stealth happens to be coming out of his hut, dazed from the sleep in his eyes. Then, it happens... His eyes meet Metal, then the toast.. and remain on the toast.

Metal is curious, unsure of why this strange squirrel is looking at his toast.. But he offers it to Matt anyhow..

and that.. is the beginning of love. :)

Note: this is fictional story. Don't ask how they really met each other, it's too hot for the likes o'you. :P

21y310d ago
Other Work By @LizSama

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