Chris SSJ

DarkDressed Stare Priss
DarkDressed Stare Priss by @chrissj (Chris SSJ)

Surprised how few Tai lConcerto work we have here. One thing's even more surprising. Non one's drawna solo pic of Stare Pris yet. According to serveys; she's the most popular Pris Sister, in fact, probably character of Tail Concerto. She's a fave of mine too. (tho' I like alicia a bit better.) So Id ecided to throw away Stare's traditional garb, and give her more of a punk/gothic look. I really like the look I gave for her. Her personality seems to almsot fit into it. So fot he sake of this really cool game, here's my first solo pic of Stare PRis. Stare PRis is (c) to CyberConnect2 and Bandai, creators and producers of Tail Concerto. (Let's hope they decide to make the sequel. ^__^)

Finished Work
21y217d ago
Other Work By @chrissj

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