Andi Maxwell

"That's my wife, Crone!!" by @amaxwell (Andi Maxwell)

The blow shook Andraia's footing, knocking her into the air and sending her flying a good ten feet backward. She hit the cold, stone flooring hard and rolled to a stop, where she groaned, trying to push herself up onto her knees. she cried out when pressure on her right wrist sent shoots of agonizing pain up her arm. All she could do was hoist herself up on her left elbow. And something inside Duo snapped. He broke free of the power that held him bound, and lunged forward, A hard fist aimed for Gabrielle's haughty, proud face. "That's my wife, crone!!!" he roared, feet pounding on the stone underneath his boots as he raced toward his target.

This is an excerpt from a fanfiction series I'm writing with my bestest online buddy, Elidan Rhian...you'd have to sit still for several years for me to explain it all. This is only a tiny, miniscule part, but we love our series just the same.

Character Art © Andi Maxwell, 2001 Duo Maxwell © The Gundam Wing people(I should probably look that up.)

Rough / Concept
22y157d ago
Other Work By @amaxwell

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