Melissa Bradly

Happy Family..NOT
Happy Family..NOT by @melibrad (Melissa Bradly)

Anywhoo, I did this rather comical rp with Lizsama last night. (She's fun to rp with. x3) I dared Mel to make a clone out of her and Darkie's DNA, and if she did, I'd buy her KFC BBQ wings. xD So she did, after aquiring some of his...jizz..lol she used some of her blood(She didn't want to use an egg. >.> and used them both in a clone making machine thing she built.

Poof! It was a success, and she got her chicken, but Darkie became suspicious of why Mel needed his jizz, and the next thing he knew, he hears a baby cry in Mel's room, and tries to break down the door. Mel comes busting out with the baby in her arms, but he ends up catching her, finding out the baby was his and her clone.

He thinks it was cute..xD And got so attached to it, he decides to keep it, but Mel doesn't want a little him and her running around, so she tries to eat it, but ends up getting pummeled by Darkie. He tells her that he's gunna make Sally take care of it, and Mel was like "....¬_¬..."

Lol! This is not an official thing in Darkie's or Mel's story, it was a funny little thing me and Liz did. ^__^ She's fun to rp with. Oh, and we decided to name the kid Midnight, since its a girl. ^.~

Darkie©Lizsama Mel©Me Midnight©Lizsama and Me

Finished Work
20y153d ago
Other Work By @melibrad

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