Daisy Hunt

I'll Send You Straight to Hell!
I'll Send You Straight to Hell! by @Lucky_Ladybug66 (Daisy Hunt)

Yami Marik in all his vile nastiness! I really can't stand him. This was actually my first time drawing him. And you know what Marik's reply is, just before he falls off the roof they're on? "I'm taking you with me!" I hear they exchanged similar dialogue toward the end of Battle City. Go Marik!

Oh yeah . . . and there's actually a reason why Yami Marik isn't wearing any of the jewelry. I decided that, since he's no longer in Marik's body, he won't wear Marik's jewelry. The clothes, on the other hand, are his, since I can only think of him when I see them. --.--;;; I do occassionally draw Marik wearing similar clothes and having the lavender shirt on top of the black one, but that's another story. XD

Mature (VO)
Finished Work
19y287d ago
Other Work By @Lucky_Ladybug66

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