
Somewhere in the dark
Somewhere in the dark by @nepryne (Nepryne)

Some of my pokemon characters as pokemorphs.

Hiro and Mirai are afraid of something. I dunno what it is - just imagine something. But I do know that the expression on Hiro's face made me laugh aloud every time I looked at it while inking this pic... =P I tried doing a color version of this, but...it just didn't work out. It wasn't what I wanted. So I started scrawling lines, and...realized that was the effect I was going for. Oddly enough, this was fun to make...maybe because it's something different from all the color work I tend to do...

Inspired by "Thriller" by Michael Jackson...since this image came into my head nearly every time I listened to it =P

I tend to obsess over pics, trying to make them as perfect as possible...this one was no exception. The lighting was driving me crazy, and I just finally gave up on it...so if something's a little off, that's why ^_^ The eyes also look a little weird to me, and the hair also, so...er, I'm shutting up now.

Stupid me saved a flattened, resized version of this pic over the .psd I was working on >_< At least that stopped me from obsessing over the pic even more... Artwork © Copyright 2003 Nepryne -

Finished Work
21y9h ago
Other Work By @nepryne

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