Jenny Harris

Invader Blirk (OC)
Invader Blirk (OC) by @jeNNY (Jenny Harris)

Well, if anybody else has an Invader Zim character that looks or has the same name, sorry. I came up with him while Role Playing a miscellaneous Irken soldier with an online friend (she knows who she is) and he just developed into more of a character over a period of a half an hour. I made the picture smaller than it actually is so it'd fit easier, but he's really a couple of inches taller than Dib. Um, he was sent to Earth because (there's two versions of this story) he was banished with this girl of the Shifter race, Niea. She was causing a lot of trouble for the Empire, so they used him to get rid of her. He has a SIR unit, DIR, that also happens to be "advanced" just because it's funny. Uhm, he kinda ends up liking Earth's nature and stuff, but not the inhabitants, for the exception of Dib, who is "awake" in relation to society. If anyone is interested, just e-mail me and I'll give you a more detailed background on Blirk. Artwork © Copyright 2002 3-J Harris

Finished Work
22y61d ago
Other Work By @jeNNY

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