Ground Dragon: Nameless fer the moment by @NamelessDragonic (Kim Cyr)
That is a dragon of my creation. I drew it a while back with the Air Dragon. I have made three of them; a Ground Draiku, a Air Draiku and a Water Draiku. They each have their own elemetn (duh) and can be ridden by dragon riders that are their friends. Because I first drew the ground one, I'll post it first, then the other two. Description: The ground Draiku lives only on the ground. They are omnivores, feeding on various small mammals, fishes and wild berries. They have long ears for good hearing and to cool them down in hot temperatures, pointy horns right beside them, flexible spikes on their neck and shorter-harder ones on their back down to the tip of their barbed tail. They each have their diffrent markings. Those that are in the same family have similar markings, though not exacly alike. They live in packs with rankings very similar to the wolves. They might look evil, though they're actually very peaceful cratures, but don't try to get them mad or embush them. They were, way before, hunted down for their scales, because they all had very pretty and original markings. Humans slowly stoped this and started befriending some to finally become soul friends with each other. When there's some kind of natural trouble, human and Draiku friends team up and try to stop it. ... That's all fer now o.o Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kim Cyr
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