Li Chi Son

The lovely Goddess of the Multiverse.
The lovely Goddess of the Multiverse. by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Meet one of the three Gods that govern my Dragonball RPG world. It's Great Mother, goddess of life.

I'm almost done some artwork and page so I won't be posting any character bio on her just yet....

hearts she's very beautiful

ooooh...I drew this on a bus so therefore my lines had to be shorter and lighter for fear that the bus might bump, pen go oops, and mistakes appear everywhere!

Rei, one of her assistant that lives in the Palace of Creation, is chibified and very adorable!! Yeah!!

Gotta finish this piece soon....too many new ideas are popping in my head...not good.... Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

22y147d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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