Orion Plastashun

Zan-Saibar's Fighter
Zan-Saibar's Fighter by @orioplas (Orion Plastashun)

Created from the mastermind of Transcaque race, Zan-Saibar has proven his intelligence by making this. Okay, enough fancy words. The two cylinder things on the side are the ship's primary weapons, and that other thing flying above it is a missile launcher. Again, the weapons are detachable and the missile launcher has a tube that it can connect back to the ship and get 8 more, for a total of 16 missiles. I prefer my beam cannon, for it has no limit on ammo, but his missiles are far stronger. Not much else to say, but if you have questions, feel free to drop me a line and ask! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Orion Plastashun

Finished Work
22y77d ago
Other Work By @orioplas

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