
Fawkes and the Basilisk
Fawkes and the Basilisk by @alhena (Alhena)

This is the scene from Chamber of Secrets where Fawkes attacks the Basilisk. It was originally drawn for a fanart contest at The Pensieve.

This one was a load of work. Not only because it's so big, but also because I'm used to drawing cats, dogs, and other mammals, not birds or reptiles. And I'll think twice before ever drawing a bird again. Those feathers are a nightmare! So were the scales of the Basilisk, by the way. Ugh.

Of course I have no reference for either a phoenix or a basilisk, so I had to help myself with some reference pictures that didn't really fit at all, and a big amount of imagination. Fortunately, a friend of mine (waves to Ozy) gave me comments on my various versions of Fawkes and the Basilisk, which helped me a lot. Consider yourselves lucky that you don't have to see "Fawkes the Annoyed Pigeon", or "Mr. Fluffy" (a nice-and-fluffy looking Basilisk), or "Mr. Nice to Meet You" (one that has a big grin and seems to say, "Hello, nice to meet you, I'm going to eat you"). ;-)

You might notice that my versions of the two creatures don't look like the ones in the movie. I went by the descriptions from CoS and FB. In my opinion the Fawkes from the movie looked too much like a vulture, and the Basilisk like a mutated Godzilla. I tried to make the phoenix look more graceful, but still a bit fierce and determined, which he should be when he's attacking a giant snake thing. And I really hope the Basilisk doesn't look fluffy anymore.

Finished Work
20y63d ago
Other Work By @alhena

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