Laguna L8

Starscream portrait
Starscream portrait by @LagunaL8 (Laguna L8)

Transformers. Ok my first TF color pic. I'm a Starscream fan & I just HAD to draw him sooner or later...any fan probably would. This actually started out as a doodle so everything was done straight on the canvas, no layers ('cept for the glowing eye) Harder, yes, but maybe it was for the better, no complicated overlaping.

...Took about 10hrs. when it shouldn'tve taken that long. Spent too much time on miniscule details of the face that I got too lazy by the time I reached his shoulder things. I would have & it would've been interesting to finish the rest of the body but I still need to start on my portfolio... Many things in this pic you can find proportionaly wrong, hope its not too noticable.

Rough / Concept
20y123d ago
Other Work By @LagunaL8

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