Li Chi Son

Second of four horsemen: Death!!! (aka I like drawing with PEN, Ju-chan! It's faster!)
Second of four horsemen: Death!!! (aka I like drawing with PEN, Ju-chan! It's faster!) by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

~"My master" "Thank you, my beautiful ugly slave..."~

Playing around with logical ideas of death by making death "beautiful" and his (yes, that's a guy) clone the typical Death.

In a book, Death was refered to as the shadown lover and Lady death (one male, and the other female), so I designed Death to have feminine features but is male (kill two birds with one stone).

Death's clone has better looking clothes but I had no room in to picture to draw it in detail.

Death actually looks....not as pretty in his ultimate form (sadly, not 'horror-oh-my-god-get-it-away-from-me scary look' but not pretty looking).

Ah well. This is the reason why I prefer drawing with pen than pencil. No hassle, no mess, and best of all, this took me less than 30 min to draw!!!

N e hoo! Enjoy!!!

Finished Work
20y345d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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