Erin Crouse

Crest of Adventure
Crest of Adventure by @Ravwrin (Erin Crouse)

Yeah yeah.... nothing important. I just wanted to post something of my past.

When Digimon was big and all I came up with a story with a basic idea of digimon. Nothing like the digidestined mind you but they were in it.

The Digiknights came from another world, another dimension really. (I know my spelling is bad) These five teens were brought to the digital world to protect the digidestined. The first set did it without the digidestined knowing they were being protected. The second batch wasn't so lucky.

The digiknights have digicrystals with crystals and crests. But that's not all. Each has a dagger at their side to help with digivolution.

This crest is the Crest of Adventure. Unlike the digidestined, the digiknight's crests reflect their greatest asset.

Yes I thought this whole thing through. I'm redoing the whole series of digimon and crests and everything I did in middle school. It's pathetic I know but for me it's fun.

18y98d ago
Other Work By @Ravwrin

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