Johann-Octavius Gans

RiotGeist Crew
RiotGeist Crew by @riotgeist (Johann-Octavius Gans)

Various Characters of mine from birth til now. From Top To Bottom: Sabbath. Priscilla McBride and her twin, Druscilla. The spiky blonde is Balvinannek-Emilthraxis aka 'Thraxie' and his sibling, Balvinannek-Kalviknarozka, or 'Roz' (They're aliens from my comic strip Out of Orbit.)Below Roz and to the left is ma belle Tequila DelGato in all her pudgy glory. to the right of Roz is Huey, then Milo, both from Rose-Tinted World (another comic strip). That's Dodgeball in an unrefined earlier incarnation. below and left a bit is my old alien beetle-thing. I never named him. The penguin is Gonzales DelPenguin, my original avatar and earliest "furry", though he's a bird. I've been drawing him since 4th grade. Next to him are agents Cover and Duck. triggerhappy FBI agents from all my furry-themed comics set in the modern world. Mister Hyde springs from being angry then watching LXG. I didn't create the character, just the look. to his right is Dalvinaeus, son of Hades and demigod of apathy from Demigod Blues, another of my comics. (I've got unfinished comics comin' outta my 'Ying-Yang'!! And speaking of Hades, the raccoon to Dal's right shares a name with his father. Hades Raccoon another former avatar that still makes his way into my comics now and again. Can ya dig it?

20y144d ago
Other Work By @riotgeist

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