JC Robinson

Yeah...We Bad
Yeah...We Bad by @Narcotics (JC Robinson)

This is my staff and me. See, my boss sat us all down at a staff meeting and wanted to plan out hoodies for us all. He asked if we all wanted our pictures on them and everyone said no. I kinda wanted a picture...but a DRAWN one. So this is what I came up with!

This is my staff btw:

I'm on the end with the multi-colored hair and the clueless expression. I'm ALWAYS clueless ^.^;;

Joey is next to me and he's even MORE clueless despite the fact that he's older than me. Go figure. I also changed his eye color but they weren't exactly there for me to copy off of 9.9;;

Next to him, looking frumpy is Beth. She's easily irritated but really cool. I like her ^.^

In the dead center, sorta, is my boss, Kyle! He's adorable. He's so funny and acts sooooooo ghetto. He's just a sweetheart though

After him is Seth, the blond. He's the oldest member of our staff and he's been here longer than Kyle. He ALWAYS has something to say whether you want to hear it or not -.-;;

Lastly, on the end, is Kendra whom I royally messed up. I could NOT draw her. But she's the fun loving humerous type. I love her too!

So anyway, that's them...YAY!

Finished Work
20y200d ago
Other Work By @Narcotics

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