
Carapacian! :D
Carapacian! :D by @abyssEden (Ashley)

I had a dream where I was a Dersite carapacian. Idk what I was doing but there were also other carapacians fleeing somewhere in the city, probably hiding from some sort of tyranny? Well it all was on Earth, anyways, so we probably were all exiles. I was really happy to be a carapace, even if I looked really angry XD 

Also in the same dream I saw younger red guy from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, he was a spaghetti creature riding on a small boat and rescuing other spaghetti creatures from being eaten by the hungry spaghetti monster (don't ask how spaghetti would eat spaghetti, idk either). He said to the monster "I'm spaghetti grandpa" in his usual deadpan voice before punching it in the snout. He wasn't even a granpa or anything, he simply said this to intimidate the monster.


Anyways, the sheer awesomeness of this dream made me doodle faster than Sonic can run so it's great

Finished Work
34d11h ago
Other Work By @abyssEden
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